Sunday, September 27, 2009

Be still, stop chattering

I feel like the past week has been spent fairly well overall. Most often the end of my days off either feels like it came far too soon or, sometimes, like it dragged on to eternity. No, there was just the right amount of activity and idle time. Books were read. Movies were watched. Laughs were had. Terrorists were foiled.

A good week.

Not perfect. There are bitter drops in the cup, not much to be done about some of them. Others, however, will just take some ballsiness to get out of bad situations and into a better place. Kind of hard, though, until I find out some other information to know exactly what kind of leverage I'll have. Even if it's not what I'm hoping for, though, change for the better is possibe. We'll see.

Looking to the near future, the fair's in town, Ingrid Michaelson is playing Tuesday, the fall kickball season is underway, and it's a beautiful day outside.

Random link of the week: Love coffee? Do did Bach.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rolling down the highway

There are days and times when I feel about as useful and wanted as a solitary left shoe seen on the shoulder of a road. Where the hell do those even come from? They're even sadder than when you see a pair of shoes slung over a telephone wire - at least those have their mate with them.