Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hungry in Dallas

Thanksgiving week has passed by, leaving behind tight pants and leftovers. My holiday was spent in Louisiana, where I feasted with the Bond family, kept erratic hours, and learned how to shoot a pistol (albeit the one I practiced with shot plastic BBs, to keep bloodshed to a minimum). If any Bonds are reading this, thanks again! I had a lot of fun.

However, sitting here in Dallas, an all too common predicament has arisen which is made worse by memories of delicious dinners, both recent and further in the past. I am hungry.

So why don't I just go get some food? Well, I've been thinking about that for the past 3 hours. I'm hoping I make a decision soon, sometime before I resort to eating sugar straight from the jar to keep from passing out.

1 comment:

amy said...

You. Are. A. Lunatic.