Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Going up

I'd never really thought about it before, but it seems that I intermittently have an overwhelming compulsion to entertain random strangers on elevators.

I know that it happens with frequency at work. I've been known to start performing turkey calls and dance routines while moving throughout the building. And singing, of course. But it seems to happen a lot in my apartment, too. Sometimes it's just idle chit chat, on occasion I've busted out a random joke, and often it's just a random observation.

Don't know for a fact, but pretty sure some of my neighbors think I'm a bit odd. Sometimes people just ignore you, kind of "If I pretend I didn't hear anything, perhaps she'll stop." Sometimes you get a polite laugh or "Oh, really?" But the best times are when you end up laughing in earnest on the ride up, even if it's just one floor.

You've gotta take the little pleasures wherever you can, I suppose.