Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sink or Swim

It's wonderful to have time off. Granted, my sleep cycle hasn't fully recovered to it's baseline, but it's much better than the last post-night stretch from a couple of months ago. Suspecting that sticking to a daily exercise routine is helping a bit, although an overlong nap today has left me more wakeful than desired.

Studying? Been less successful in that area, with probably an hour at best since Monday. A plan is in place for tomorrow, however, and anticipating some productivity in that department. For the most part, been doing a musical immersion for the past few days. Not bad, but would be ideal to combine the 2, if possible.

Been a bit pensive on various matters over the past day or so. Not bad pensive, not "I suck" pensive, but been doing some hard thinking. Some conclusions have been unpleasant, but overall feeling like it should net good. Will see.

Currently, feeling very bummed that one of my friends is moving (albeit temporarily) to Cincinnati. She's someone you can almost guarantee will sing along with anything you toss out, be it at a restaurant, in the car, or even in a movie theater. Really. Not to mention the crazy giddy laughing that usually takes place whenever we go out, no alcohol needed. Angel, what are we going to do without you? Cincinnati better treat you right.

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