Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life as told by the silver screen

There are so many reasons I love movies. At home, you kick back on your couch with your favorite blanket and munch on pizza. In the theater, you sit in the dark with other enthralled viewers, splitting a popcorn with a friend and hoping for some good trailers to open with.

And then there are the movies themselves.

It has been a while since going to the movies was close to a weekly event. Not for lack of things to watch - in truth, there have been quite a few that I've been disappointed I missed getting to experience on the big screen. No, it's just been stumbling blocks more than anything, some big, some small.

This evening, it was Prince Caspian. A week or 2 ago it was Iron Man. And the new Indy movie is coming soon, you bet your teeth I'm going. While I often enjoy films that question your way of viewing the world, and could probably think of any number of quite depressing or unsettling flicks I have liked, at the moment the idea of a hero and the triumph of good over evil is what I want. I want nobility. I want friendship. I want love. I want the good guys/gals to conquer unbelievable odds. I want to see characters up there that represent the best parts of humanity. And I want popcorn and a soda.

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