Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fame on YouTube

So, I like anime.

You know, those Japanese cartoons that can be pretty cool, pretty weird? I used to be nearly obsessed with it. Granted, I never dressed up as my favorite character (admittedly, I considered it...), but I did once carve a pumpkin with the face of this cool little demon-cat from a show I liked. Bless those children who said, "Hey, it's Kirara!" They got extra candy.

On my computer, I have a lot of anime songs. About 3.7 gb worth, if you'd like to know. Some of it is exceptionally good, stuff that you can appreciate even if you hate cartoons. Others... well, even I recognize it's crap, but I can't bear to get rid of it. Let's not even talk about the mountains of CD-Rs I've filled with free anime off the web.

At my geekiest, I was part of a fansub group with the title of Editor/Timer. Basically, fansub groups get digital rips of the latest shows from Japan, whip up subtitles and distribute them for free online. Yes, the legality is questionable at best, but I was pretty damn good. Our translater was fast and loose with her grammar and spelling, and it was up to me to render it into a readable state and make sure the text popped up at the right time. Those were good times, back in medical school when I'm pretty sure I should have been learning something about the Kreb Cycle or anatomy, and instead was a covert Internet pirate who was also really good at foosball.

I am a hack pianist. My mother appreciates me, but it's a good thing I never strove to be a musician professionally. Pretty sure I'd be working a street corner somewhere by this point to make ends meet.

Let me unite these seemingly unrelated topics. I transcribed a few songs from shows that I liked into piano sheet music a few years ago, released them to the web, and walked away. Imagine my surprise when, while randomly searching youtube, I ran into this: and

Two versions, both using my sheet music as a starting point. I believe that makes me immortal in the online sense, as surely it's only a matter of time before this picks up into a viral video phenomenon. The first one is nice enough to credit me in her description, too. I feel famous, and I didn't even have to kill anyone important.

Random Link: I think there's enough up there for everyone.


Code name: 1% said...

I lurve your storytelling style. Incidentally, I'm a friend of one Mr. JQB, and not just a total rando. You should come visit us in the great frozen north with his bro.

Jesse said...

I can't claim to know "code name: 1%."

He/She is a total rando and is probably stalking you.

amy said...

Geege. Hopefully in your large (obsessive?) collection of survival books there is at least one chapter on surviving a stalker. I have faith in you. PS More fame for you on YouTube in form of background vocals . . . you'll know it when you find it:)

-G^2 said...

I do, in fact, have a book that details tactics on evading stalkers. Never doubt the Peralta library.

amy said...

Real Fame.

In action

Code name: 1% said...

jesse is an ASS for denying me - you're on my list again, buddy. also, i had a real stalker (as in, he got charged with felony stalking and everything) many years back and it was some creepy shit, lemme tell ya.
lastly, per the blog entry that follows this one ('cause leaving 2 comments would be a pain): i ain't even know ya, but i've got a feeling that you're being pretty harsh on yourself. ease up, it's all good.

-G^2 said...

To code name: 1%:

I welcome the good vibes! Stalkers are no fun, I agree, unless it's a game involving water guns. Then, good times, good times...