Saturday, August 11, 2007

Undeserved rewards

It's 3 am, and a Grand Slam Breakfast (to go) from Denny's has just vanished down my gullet. It is merely the culinary punctuation to the end of a completely undeserved respite from reality. Shall I try to elucidate? I'll try, but I'm pretty damn drunk right now - you may not appreciate this, reader, but I'm having extreme difficulties in my keyboarding ability at the moment, requiring many backspaces and deletes that are most uncharacteristic of my usual ability...

Anyhow, I received a text page at about 9 pm-ish? Not sure, can't think straight, but it was from a friend who requested my presence at a get-together tonight. Why the hell not? I replied in the affirmative, and I'm glad for it.

The night was spent consuming beer (no shots, kudos for me! ) and dancing. Granted, I had originally planned to read about multiple myeloma. Do I wish to change anything? No way in hell. Will keep this short, I reek of smoke, and I'm having difficulty keeping the screen in focus. Attempted to do my customary sudoku a few minutes ago, and broke down into uncontrollable snickering. I'm still not sure why I found humor in grids and numbers, but perhaps that's ok.

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