Saturday, April 12, 2008

Curse you, WoW

I was shocked to learn that I have spent nearly 20 entire days of my life playing a troll on World of Warcraft. That's 480 hours of my life spent running around with my loyal pig Dusty shooting ne'er do wells in the virtual realm. Crap, that's a lot of time. If I'd spent that time walking briskly, 134400 calories may have been burned, which is about 38 pounds of fat. Or I could have gotten through about 49000 pages of reading/studying.


That upsets me so much, I think I'm going to have to go hunt some yeti. Just for a bit.

1 comment:

KCCowboy said...

Warcraft is totally the energy your brain needs to focus on studying.....or just say screw the studying and play some more warcraft!