Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Overall, not a bad day. A few peculiarities here and there, some good conversations, a fun game of kickball, a couple of ideas for upcoming karaoke nights mulled over.

In spite of a good day, though, feeling restless. It started while we were at the Rose post game, and just hadn't gone away in spite of a quick jog around the block. Upon arriving home, went for a quick sprint down Ross Ave to the Guadalupe Cathedral, sat in one of the alcoves for a while, then sprinted back. No change. Ran on the treadmill for another mile or so. No change. Really?

I was debating doing some planks vs. heading back out to Ross when the phone rang.

Hanging up the phone after close to an hour, I am perplexed and frustrated. Will shit never stop happening to good people? Why are relationships so fucking hard even for the ones who have made a commitment and kept it?

So I guess that made my decision for me. Back to Ross St.

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