Monday, May 18, 2009

Consulting Death

A long time ago, I wrote an obituary for myself.

It was part of an assignment back in college related to some now forgotten book. As I recall, the purpose of the exercise was to have us consider what we would want to be remembered for by the people in our lives.

I don't have that particular paper anymore, and I'd forgotten about it until tonight. While perusing some random sites, I came across a thought exercise that asked what you would want to be written on your tombstone. What impression do you want to leave? Probably not "They never missed a day of work." Or "They had an awesome car." Not even "They rocked at karaoke."

An interesting question, and useful to sort out what is truly important to each of us. Do I know the answer for myself? No. But I'm working on it.


Code name: 1% said...

"Had a pretty good time"

-G^2 said...

That might be the best one ever!