Friday, May 1, 2009

Exercises in calm

From starting out the evening with 3 admissions at 7 pm on what is supposed to be a light call night, to having to re-dictate a discharge summary because it's somehow gone missing, to dealing with a 6'5" 350 lb confused and angry man, to being unable to find my flash drive with all my call music, to getting paged every 5 minutes, to pages that lead to being put on hold for 5 minutes as other pages keep buzzing away, I feel so full of hate!

Seriously. No joke. My generally happy nature can only take so much of this, after all, but I'm trying hard to glean every bit of goodness I can. For example, at least my 1st patients of the night had all been very nice people - it's nice to talk to people who are pleasant and willing to laugh at my silly jokes, and it's very nice to help them feel at ease with what I'm planning to do as far as their care. I had an interesting conversation with some of the ER nurses regarding online dating, and was able to make some appreciated suggestions on places to meet. And, of course, there's the welcome relief of instant pictures and texts courtesy of my friends that make me laugh. All those things combined are what's keeping me sane for the moment.

And just think, only... 31 more hours left spread out from now through Sunday night.


Ok, done crying. Gotta say, though, I really wish that the group I work for actually did things like, I dunno, honor contracts. After all, I signed up for 5 on/5 off, but was then made to choose between 7 on/7 off vs. M-F with weekends. It wouldn't be so bad, but the fact that there's often pressure to take extra shifts on my off weeks makes me a bit angry. This anger increases even more when I think that, if the original contract were honored, I'd be on my off days by now.

Oh, wait, anger building again. Thinking happy thoughts, taking deep breaths... and a little better.

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